My Birthday, Spring and The Easter Weekend..
April 15, 2016
I miss writing my weekly Friday blog posts with some favourite photos from the week just gone. With the house renovation, blogging has kind of taken a bit of a back seat right now. That being said, I have a full up camera roll on my phone so I wanted to publish these photos before they get stored deep in a hard drive or at the bottom of a Facebook album. Having them on here makes them so much easier for me to find! So, going back to the Easter weekend a few photos, it was also my Birthday on the Easter Monday so we certainly had our sugar fix with chocolate eggs, nest cakes and birthday cake! Back with a house update soon and photos from our trip to Oxford last weekend. Happy Friday, R <3 xx
{Pink and polka dots} |
{Easter daffs} |
{Spring fever at The Grove for a Birthday dinner} |
{all the floral, cute wrapping paper. I asked for aesop skincare treats and a Roberts radio from my parents} |
{pink primroses} |
{can't get enough of these cake pics} |
{liberty flags} |
{chocolate and vanilla} |
{ben took me birthday shopping for sofas and house bits in Notting Hill, he did goood} |
{we're terrible at selfies, Ben looks about 12 here?! even though he's a decade older than me...} |
{the grove} |
{all the blues, all the patterns} |
{meringue kisses piled high at dinner} |
{my grandparents gave me money to choose a couple of blossom trees for the new garden} |
{hoppy easter, all the bunnies} |
{famous easter nest cake, see the recipe from last year's post here} |
{we took this to Ben's Mum's for an egg hunt for our nephews} |
{spring lambs} |
{pretty tulips} |
{bluebells out of the new garden} |
{The magnolia's were early this year, they're never normally in bloom for my Birthday} |