I've had a bit of a thing for vintage, frame-less mirrors for a while now. Pinterest probably started it off and a few years back, in our old house, we started to collect them from boot-sales {one cost me just £2!!} and antique/junk shops local to us. There are new copies of older mirrors appearing in shops which look pretty good if you can't find the original vintage ones but to add a bit more character we love the real deals in all different shapes and sizes, with a chain to hang them from a screw. We had a couple spread across our old house, that round mirror in the middle was in our downstairs toilet and the two on the right were in our spare room {here}. When we found out that we were moving, we set about collecting a few more to create a proper display. The tall oval one on the left is my ultimate favourite, and cost £35, I love the scalloped edging on it and the pretty bevel.
- July 29, 2016