There’s a real taboo around the twelve week mark, and for good reason. The first trimester is known as the danger zone pregnancy wise. If anything is likely to go wrong, it’s most likely to in those first precious three months. So most don’t want to go shouting and announcing everything before they have confirmation from their first official scan around 12 weeks. But 12 weeks is SUCH a long time. And it’s likely to be the time that you’re feeling at your most tired and possibly sick with pregnancy. How can you hold that in? For me, it was how I could hold that excitement in. And of course, the important support side of things if anything did go wrong, would you want to just pretend to everyone else that you’re fine? And go through that in secret? Miscarriage is such a taboo because we don’t talk about it because it mostly happens in that first trimester and therefore people aren't aware that it's even happened as they didn't know that that person was pregnant. It must feel so suffocating to be going through that alone and also possibly not know how common it can be because it’s not talked about. {although with this post, I hope I'm not talking out of term, I would hate to upset anybody who has suffered baby loss <3}
- January 30, 2019