Style // Tips for Dining In with Habitat {AD}
December 19, 2019
AD - In collaboration with Habitat.
We’ve always loved hosting, but now that we have a baby, it’s been even more of a reason to have people over. There’s no stressing about rushing home for her bedtime or worrying if we’ll create a scene in a restaurant, and it doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner that you’ve slaved over all day, it’s just getting people together for a big brunch or early dinner {and other adult company has become even more important since having a baby}. I always think that we have to eat and cook regardless so we might as well enjoy the company! Having people over for dinner means that you can go a little fancy on the table, even if it’s an easy dinner {Jamie’s Green Mac and Cheese is our go to right now}. I’ve always loved setting the table, at Christmas especially! But year round it’s really nice to make a little effort that goes a long way for any occasion.