Happy {Valentine's} Weekend #6
February 12, 2016
I'm back! Although this week has been a complete whirlwind. In fact I think I need another holiday just to get over it. I don't know why it's been so busy. I guess jet lag {I never ever have problems sleeping unless I have jet lag so when I'm wide awake at night and soo tired in the mornings it really throws me}, plus feeling a bit coldy probably something I picked up from the plane, unpacking, washing, getting back into exercise, having a lot to catch up on blog and email wise, a couple of trips into London, trying to secure some new deals plus moving house stress has all caught up with me. So I am very glad it's the weekend at last. And a Valentine's one at that! How is everyone??
Some favourite snaps from this week:
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{Meetings are better when they're at the gorgeous Charlotte Street hotel} |
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{Spring has sprung in London! Although it's still fffreezing} |
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{A house full of fresh flowers} |
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{.. and swooning over the Valentine's selection at Liberty on Tuesday} |
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{A very pretty blogger's brunch at Brown's Hotel for the launch of Bridebook for SYGM} |
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{Yay for magnolia's coming into bloom super early. I just hope they don't get frost bitten!} |
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{Looking forward to spending time with this guy this weekend after that dreamy week in the Bahamas it feels like we've hardly seen each other this week. More beachy photos coming next week} |
-Things I've loved this week: Without a doubt this was one of the highlights of my week, the Superbowl Half Time Show. I've always loved Coldplay so Chris and Beyonce together were just like King and Queen especially with Bruno Mars thrown into the mix too. Watch here.
Plus James Cordon's Carpool Karaokes just crack me up. I loved the pre-superbowl edition with Chris but also the Beiber one was hilarious. Also blossom and daffodils springing up everywhere mixed with the bluest skies! Spring has sprung.
- Things I've bought this week: Sweets for my sweet! I ordered some Valentine's sweets as has now become tradition {See last year's post here} from eBay and filled up a glass jar. Also the White Company Spring candle has been a favourite.
- Other things of note: My first ever travel Vlog is live this afternoon from 2pm on So You're Getting Married as part of the Sandals Emerald Bay post from last week. I'm soo bad with filming but Phoebe's worked some editing magic on it. Let me know what you think and also I'll post alll the Bahamas photos on here next week for those who have asked.
- House update: We had a meeting at the new house with a conservation officer to discuss our extension plans as it's a listed building. It wasn't quite as good as we hoped it would be so the upstairs may have to be compromised but we still love the house enough to go for it. {And nope still not exchanged, the sellers are finding even just thinking about packing up v difficult and stressful. Meant to be moving in March but I don't think anything will happen until they start buying some cardboard boxes. Although I do appreciate that it's very tough for them leaving a house after forty years and the man sadly has alzheimers.}. In the meantime we're just making the most of the last few weeks in our house before moving day will eventually come around.
- Plans for the weekend: Very little tomorrow I hope! Then a day full of Ben on Sunday. I know some people hate Valentine's Day but I love all things romance and love hearts so it's one of my favourite days. I've bought him an apple tree for the new garden and the above mentioned sweet treats as well as a cute card. He's taking me out somewhere in the day and then I think we'll cook dinner in together. I'll fill you in next week, or over on Instagram no doubt {@rvk_loves}
Right that's all the blogging finished for this morning, next mission is to clean the house from top to bottom before the weekend is here. All the glamour! Have a good one, see you next week.
R <3 xx