Happy Weekend {number 41}

October 14, 2016

I'm just going to stand up and say it. This week has been a BOOOM week. Exciting new work developments for both Ben and I, new gym training that I've smashed this week and actually felt energised and excited for, feeling so much better after a number of colds recently and just generally taking a step back to look at achievements. My friend Lucy said to me, in these exact words: 'You should never ever be ashamed to stand up and say 'I'm good at something!' and be proud when you've smashed it #GIRLBOSS'. Which I wholeheartedly agree with but I do feel that there is this taboo around over-sharing or praising yourself. Where has that come from in this society? Why should we feel bad, or even doubt ourselves about whether we should share in case it comes across as bragging? Or because of fear of negative comments. Even writing this feels a bit too self-indulgent sometimes. But everyone should take some time to feel proud of their achievements every once in a while. Of course not every week is fabulous, and I'll always admit when I've had a bit of a blah week. But this week should be celebrated. Booom. Anyway, in other news... How has your week been? Are you excited that it's Friday?? Some thoughts, and photos below.

It's the first week where it's felt really quite chilly. We've had the fire on, and the heating on, for the first time in months! That longgg summer definitely spoilt us. But it's also cosy to snuggle up and accept the darker evenings. I need to put my order in for a big log delivery!

I had breakfast with my oldest friend this week. Catching up about work, travels, men, the lot.

Pumpkins and gourds everywhere I go. Yay for October.

The sunlight in this lounge gets me every time. This week has been quiet diary wise so I've been making the most of hunkering down and getting lots ticked off working from home. The next few weeks are looking pretty crazy. It's so lovely to sit in here in the daytime with my laptop. I wrote a full blog post about the lounge here this week.

 My car was in for service this week so I used the excuse of a sunny day to drop it to the garage and then walk the long way back through the countryside with the pup. A freelancer perk for sure, taking an hour out to do that. But I think it's so important to have balance and means you're more refreshed and productive when you do sit back down to your laptop.

Our allotment pumpkins ready for halloween.

Fav perfume for this time of year. {available here}

As I said a few weeks back, my job means that no two days are ever the same. This week has involved mainly sitting under a blanket on the sofa talking to brands, writing about honeymoons, admin and general boring tasks like calling the council and trying to arrange archeologists for our extension but then on Wednesday night I got to dress up for a wedding industry dinner at Hedsor House {for sygm}. I love having two hats, my Roses & Rolltops as well as So You're Getting Married.

And finally, some photos from last weekend. I think as I said last week, when we bought our car there were a few hiccups at the garage so Land Rover treated us to an afternoon experience of off roading which I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy or not. It was so much more fun than I expected it to be, and just enough scary. We also got an overnight stay, dinner and breakfast at Luton Hoo Hotel, a gorgeous stately home with amazing grounds. It's about half an hour from us so we didn't know whether to stay or not but it was a lovely mini break - side note the rooms are v old fashioned. The next morning on the Sunday we had breakfast and stopped for a beautiful walk at Dunstable Downs on our way back. After that it was a lazy afternoon on the sofa, exhausted from our hike and then to the allotment to pick some veg to take to my Mum who was cooking dinner for us all with my Grandparents. We also picked the last of our pumpkins! - more on how we grew them here.


roses still blooming away even in October!

What do you have planned for this weekend? It's a homemade pizza date night for us this evening {recipe here}. We're so bad at doing chores at weekends these days, I think it's after renovating the house for all those weeks, we're loving just having our weekends back to do as we please and explore pretty places. But our garden is in desperate need of some autumn TLC. I think it's because we know we're about to start building on it that we don't have the motivation to pretty it up but we will have to get out there sometime soon. There are spring bulbs to plant! We don't know exactly what we'll get up to this weekend but I'm hoping for a walk, a bit of shopping or lunch perhaps, a lay in would be heaven after getting up early a lot this week and my Brother's back for a couple of days. On Saturday night I'm off to the cinema to see The Girl on The Train with some of the girls, after loving the book last year I can't wait for the film. Have a lovely one, back next week.

Oh also I'm putting together a Q&A blog post very soon so let me know if you want to ask anything, via the blog/email/twitter or of course Instagram. 

R <3 xx

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  1. Two shoutouts in one post. I'm hitting the big time!



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