Happy Halloween {and weekend}...
October 31, 2014{Happy Halloween} |
As I said in today's Bonfire post, this is such a great time of year. Christmas is just around the corner, it's Halloween today and Bonfire night on Wednesday. Autumn is in full swing with crunchy leaves everywhere yet it's still mild and we've had some gorgeous sunshine this week. Hope you've had a Pumpkin filled week! I love decorating my kitchen seasonally and it's been filled with orange lately, most of which we've grown at the allotment. I decided not to carve scary faces this year and instead created some girly stars, hearts and drilled flowers. I'm off to a friend's halloween party tonight, we're going all out with a prize for the best dress up outfit {I've got a skeleton dress but need to do some crazy make up and hair to go with it} and a prize for the best pumpkin so today will be spent baking lots of spooky cakes to take to the party later.
This week's photos are mainly of pumpkins, with a few autumn leaves thrown in:
{Sunshine and fifteen {!!} pumpkins in the kitchen} |
{Carving in front of the fire on Wednesday night} |
{The finished pumpkins, a treat rather than trick} |
{Happiest when playing with leaves for the pup} |
{Blue sky and an extra day off made me super happy on Monday} |
{Beautiful sunrise, mist and autumn leaves before a run} |
{And finally pumpkins outside for Halloween today} |
I've carved at least one pumpkin every year since I can remember but this year learned some new tricks, it's better if you cut a hole at the bottom rather than top of the pumpkin for presentation and it stops it going mouldy as fast. You can then make a cut out for a tea light to sit in it. And when using a knife, always line it up to your design and then press backwards on it to get your shape so that it's more controlled. I'll post a full demonstration post next year, guess it's a bit late now! Also check out my Instagram {@rvk123} for a video of the pumpkin carving getting serious where I'm let loose with Ben's drill.
This weekend is meant to be rainy so other than baking for Bonfire Night and a casserole at Mum's on Sunday we haven't got much planned, hopefully it will be better than forecast and we can go for a nice walk. If it's really bad though maybe I'll start some online Christmas shopping, it will be here before we know it and I want to get organised! Have a good weekend and lots of fun for Halloween.
R <3 xx