Banishing the Winter Blues

January 27, 2017

print from the lovely Toodle & Pip, here on etsy.

Are you, like me, bored of Winter now? I think that even the bounciest, happiest, most positive person you know will get a little lacklustre at this time of year. It's been bone-chillingly freezing ever since Christmas which has coincided with our house being in chaos from all the building work. Add in the stress with the builders battling the elements to hurry the kitchen along. I'm done with it now, done with having to have the heating on full blast just so you can start to feel your feet, done with having no washing machine or a proper cooker, done with keeping the winter colds and germs away. I appreciate that it will alll be lovely and worth it come April but that's a whole three months from here.

And quite frankly I'm a little bored of staying in now. In the summer there is so much to do, there's the garden, the allotment, days out, picnics, there's sunny afternoons where you can just lay in the garden. What do you do for the third rainy January Sunday in a row when cabin fever sets in?

We'd normally go away around now chasing the sunshine for some much needed vitamin D but with the said extension, we need to be here with the builders as we're project managing it all and Ben will be taking over from them soon. So with no getaway I've had to come up with some other ideas to stay afloat for the next few weeks.. {I don't want to be a moaning myrtle until Spring shows up}

1. { W A N D E R L U S T }

I'm not spending another January at home so next year we've decided to go to Australia. It's amazing how holiday planning can boost your mood. I remember reading this article about how half the enjoyment of a trip actually comes beforehand with the anticipation. Researchers found that the largest boost of happiness comes from just the simple act of planning a holiday {!}. We have a few trips booked for this year too from the end of March so I'm enjoying taking some time whilst it's cold and dark to plan out some ideas for what we'll do at the places we've booked for this year and then start looking into Australia. 

Also as a side note, I already had the 'dreaming of California' print on my desk but the lovely Pip designed this rose gold calligraphy Australia print for me and I love it. It brightens up these January days. Such a lovely surprise and I'm now lusting over her other prints here.

2. { H O U S E  P L A N N I N G }

We still have a couple of rooms to finish off/plan as well as finalising some decisions for the extension. One thing I have enjoyed in the evenings and on a rainy Sunday is sitting down with Ben by the fire and our laptops to get ahead on ordering/planning. It takes a big chunk of time and it's something we wouldn't do much of in the summer when we just want to be outdoors. 

3. { E X E R C I S E }


When it's light, and warm, early in the mornings it feels so much easier to spring out of bed and go for a run and it stays light so late for sunny walks in the evening. I always forget each year just how dark it does get in the Winter and it can be a real chore to drag myself out of bed and get out for a run. However, I never regret going and always guarantee to feel so much better for doing something. As tempting as it can be to stay under the duvet, I've really enjoyed the cold crisp air in my lungs and going to pilates and HIIT classes rain or shine. Even with just a short walk, any type of exercise boosts your endorphins and mood like no anti-depressant could. Plus the sunrises have been amazing recently. 

4. { T H I N K  S P R I N G }

Two words, Spring Flowers. Tulips and daffs are abundant, and cheap, right now in supermarkets and on market stalls. I've been filling the house and it really does make it so much cheerier. I love spring blooms and it's a good reminder that the garden will be waking up again soon. 

5. { H Y G G E / C O S Y  U P }

Candles, cosy blankets, hot baths and a fire make the cold weather just about bearable. I have terrible circulation and a condition called Raynaud's which makes me feet and hands especially painful at this time of year. I need alllll of the above on a daily basis. We need to take lessons from the Danish with their Hygge concept for feeling happy and content with a lack of sunlight. 

6. { P A M P E R  Y O U R S E L F }

For Christmas and my Birthday I always ask for vouchers these days. For Christmas I was treated to a voucher which I cashed it in this week for a facial and a massage. It was heaven and we need to remember to treat ourselves. With the darker evenings I've also had more time to actually use some new beauty products rather than just stick to my quick daily routine, post coming next week with some new favourites. 

7. { S T A Y  I N  B E D }

Ben and I are pretty active and always like to be doing something productive. In the summer when it's warm and the sun comes up from about 4am we hardly ever stay in bed past 7/7.30am and even that feels like a lay in. So in the winter it's nice to have an excuse to stay curled up and just watch boxsets or chill out without that feeling like we should be outside that summer can bring. 

8. { T R E A T S }

Breakfast out, a favourite restaurant for lunch or a few new season bits of clothing are always winners.

9. { S E E  F R I E N D S }

Now that all the craziness of Christmas is over everyone has more free time again so the girls and I have set aside one night each weekend to catch up this January. We also have friends and their adorable new bubba coming over tomorrow. 

What have I missed from this list? Do you like Winter or even prefer it to summer? I think I'm just finding it worse this year because of the building work and house chaos. I can't ever remember feeling this hateful for it before! Just a few more weeks hopefully which I'm going to aim to enjoy, I don't want to wish time away. 

Have a lovely weekend whatever you're up to! 

R <3 xx 

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  1. I'm definitely getting sick of these cold and dark winter days. The only thing that is keeping me going is thought of our holiday to Croatia in June, I can't wait :)

    Rachael xx.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I feel you! I love autumn, I don't even mind the start of winter and leading up to Christmas is lovely, but January and February are just so bleak. I wish there was a fast forward button! I did a post similar to this last year, I've definitely got a touch of SAD!
    Roll on light and long evenings and not needing to wear a coat xx

    1. January and February are just so bleak and boring aren't they. We need Vitamin D! and omg yes the thought of not wearing a coat and a million layers, yes please! x

  4. We went to Australia in October/early November and it set us up so well for the winter, that top up of vitamin D was just what we needed but now it's January I wish we could go and do it all over again! You will have the most amazing time. Would love to know what trips you have planned for the rest of 2017 xx

  5. Really feel for you as not having a kitchen definitely doesn't help, nothing like a spot of baking of a rainy weekend! But some great ideas of how to banish those winter blues in this post. Have you read 'a year of living danishly'? Really helped me view winter differently! Ella x

  6. Hi Rebecca, it's a dark rainy Sunday afternoon and looking at your beautifull dreamy home has given us so many ideas for our little chapel we live in , we were wondering where you got your garden table from,
    We are trying to think about spring time in the garden soon 😀🌸🌺 love Ange x

    1. Hi Ange, oh great so glad you've found some inspiration. We made the table ourselves, blog post here xx


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