I'm feeling 22...

April 01, 2015

Do you know that Taylor Swift song called 22? I woke up on my Birthday - last Saturday - singing it. Here are a few photos from my weekend if you'd like to see. I went to Petersham Nurseries for lunch on the Friday which deserves it's on post for all the prettiness but these snaps are from the rest of the weekend..

I had decorated the house at the start of the week to enjoy the bunting for a few extra days. I do love a bit of bunting. I went with a pink theme this year, for the last month I've been crazy about yellow but now it's moved on to pinks. Probably with the Springtime, yellow started it off with daffs but now there are magnolias around and pink tulips. <3 <3 <3 

Full post on Richmond and our lunch at Petersham Nurseries coming soon. 

On the morning of my Birthday, Ben bought up breakfast in bed {on a new tray from my Mum and Dad} which was rather lovely. We had fruit and croissants and I opened my cards.

Riley had the important job of helping me open my presents at my Mum and Dad's house, he loves tearing open the paper.

Then we took him for a nice walk around Chipperfield, to kill time before picking up my cake. The weather was pretty rubbish and we've had such a busy couple of weekends going here, there and everywhere that for once it was nice to just chill out properly with Ben at home for a while.

The super talented Nicola Johnson Cakes made this amazing beauty for me. It was white chocolate and raspberry flavoured {with raspberries baked into the sponge}, my favourite. I love the daisies and pink hearts with the fruit. And it tasted even better than it looked!

We had friends and family round in the afternoon to help us eat all the cake and celebrate.

Three tiers of heaven.

... and all that was left by the end of the afternoon!

That evening Ben and I just had pizzas and a quiet night, this is the first year I haven't wanted a massive fuss. But I'm looking forward to afternoon tea with the girls next week to extend the celebrations a bit more. {and for more cake!}

Does anyone else like to look through their presents properly the next day and work out where to put everything/what to use first? These are a few of my pressies as well as some new clothes, a massage voucher, bath tray, money and a trip away! Lucky girl. 

You've got to love a Birthday.

R <3 xx 

You can find Nicola's cakes, and go check out her amazing work here.

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