First Blogiversary.

September 07, 2015

I can't believe that I've been writing this blog for over a year already. It has flown by. After years of indecision about whether to start one or not, I'm glad that I finally took the plunge at the end of last August. For a start, the feedback from so many of you has been amazing, especially when people request posts from little old me! I never imagined how popular it would become in such a short space of time, in just one year it's been featured in an article in the Daily Mail and been linked to by Rock my Style on a few occasions. But crucially I've really enjoyed have a space of my own to document our house renovations, travel adventures, wedding projects, memorable days out and some of my favourite recipes. If you hadn't guessed already, I love photography and I can't bombard Instagram and Facebook with all my snaps so this is really a place to house them all.

As I said a few weeks back, I feel like I went crazy with the blog at the start, blogging every day to catch up on years worth of content that I wanted to post. Since then I've slowed it down a lot, partly because most things are now documented but also because I need more a life balance. This is just a hobby, not my job. I work for So You're Getting Married, an award winning wedding blog - which has been one of the best things that happened to me in the past year. So that takes up part of my time but also I don't want to be glued to a computer too much. Life is for living. So while I still absolutely love checking in here as much as possible, it won't be everyday. That being said, the autumn and winter are coming up with dark evenings that make cosying up with a laptop much more appealing than long summer nights where you just want to be outside. I'd like to keep up with blogging our travel adventures and days out as well as more of my favourite recipes and house/garden projects. Plus anything that I find particularly inspiring.

I have a constant inner battle with myself about putting so much of my personal life out on the internet though. Partly I love it, I'm obsessed with Instagram of course and love sharing photos. That I'm ok with, although I don't share everything - far from it. And I've had the odd comment from people that my life is perfect or that all of this sharing is a form of showing off. I really do love my life {but life is what you make it, everybody should love their life}, but I have an issue with others comparing themselves to me based on what I post on social media. Everybody has their ups and downs, battles their fighting, highs and lows. I don't post photos of the boring parts of life because nobody wants to see that. I like to focus on the positives and share things that make me happy. I post because I love sharing photos with others and want to look back on it all on a rainy day.

I'd love to know your feedback, which posts you like the most and which you want to see more of. Feel free to leave a comment or message me via Instagram {@rvk_loves} if it's easier.

I've put together a look back at some of my favourite, and some of the most popular posts below if you're in a blog reading mood. I'm taking a week off as I should be somewhere in the Greek Islands by the time you read this! Back soon, and please let me know if you have any particular requests.

All of the interior/makeover posts here including:

Everything Garden related here including:

Everything wedding related including DIY projects here including:

I'm one for styling the seasons in our house such as this:

Personal waffle and end of the week round ups here plus:

Days out around London and the rest of the UK here including:

Food; recipes and favourite restaurants here including:

Thank you so much to all you lovelies for reading, here's to the next year! And whatever the future may hold.

R <3 xx 

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  1. Oh you should never feel guilty about your life! I completely agree with you & I never post boring things - I have had a few negative comments thrown my way but why would I share negative feelings or post about a bad day on FB or Instagram? I tend to share my happy thoughts & photos!
    I love your blog & you have inspired me with your travel posts - we would never have stayed at Pezoules if you hadn't shared your amazing photos!
    Keep the blog posts coming and your Instagram shots, I have serious house envy!
    Chelsea x


@rvk_loves on Instagram